Guo Xiaoyan

In recent years, I have been researching on the casting glassware, and trying to combine material beauty of glass art and Chinese subtle beauty in traditional culture. Circle Series is the representative works at this period. The works show the transparent, opaque and translucent qualities of glass by the multi-layer structure of the cyclic permutations and combinations. 
The form creates the sense of aesthetic mood of traditional and contemporary. It shows the sense of order, and displays the subtle changes and beauty of the Chinese culture in color.

Education & Teaching (Selected)

2005-NowAssistant Professor in Glass Art, Ceramics and Crafts Department, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou
2005MFA in Glass Art, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing
2002BFA in Painting, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Beijing

Awards / Grants (Selected)

2016The Silver Award, The Intangible Cultural Heritage Exposition of Culture City of East Asia, Ningbo
2015The Gold Award, The China Craft Arts Exposition, Hangzhou
2014The Best Craft Award, The 1st Chinese Glass Art Biennale, Shanghai
2007First Prize of Excellent Works, The Research and Development of Arts and Crafts: International Academic Exchange Exhibition, Beijing
2005First Prize of Excellent Works, The Sustainable Development of Arts and Crafts: International Academic Seminar & Art Works Exhibition, Beijing

Exhibitions (Selected)

2016The China Cultural Glass Lampworking Exhibition, Beijing 
The Intangible Cultural Heritage Exposition of Culture City of East Asia, Ningbo
2015The China Craft Arts Exposition, Hangzhou
2014The 2nd Chinese Contemporary Craft Art Biennale, National Museum of China, Beijing 
The 1st Chinese Glass Art Biennale, Shanghai 
The 12th National Fine Art Exhibition, Xi’an

Collections (Selected)

The 1st Chinese Glass Art Biennale Organizing Committee, Shanghai 
The Intangible Cultural Heritage Exposition of Culture City of East Asia Organizing Committee, Ningbo